
Sustainable events : Promoting environmental responsibility

Sustainable events : Promoting environmental responsibility

Sustainable events has become a highly relevant topic in recent years. As awareness of the environmental and social challenges we face grows, there is recognition of the need to address these issues even in the events industry.

What are sustainable events?

Responsible events refer to the implementation of measures and actions that reduce the negative impact on the environment. They promote responsible and conscious practices. This involves from the choice of sustainable venues, to efficient energy and water management, waste reduction, promotion of sustainable transportation and incorporation of sustainable food options, among other aspects.

The adoption of good sustainable practices at events is essential to minimize environmental impact, generate economic savings, enhance brand image and promote sustainability education. It is a necessary approach to ensure sustainable and environmentally conscious events for our surroundings and future generations.

How to apply sustainability to our events

Good sustainable practices

These are some of the practices that can be implemented in order to design sustainable events:

1.Sustainable venue selection: Choose venues that have sustainability certifications or implement eco-friendly practices.

2.Efficient energy management: Use energy efficient technologies, and consider using renewable energy to power your events.

3.Responsible water management: Encourage efficient water use, and educate participants about the importance of conserving water.

4.Waste reduction: Minimize waste generation by using recyclable materials, and providing recycling and composting options at the event.

5.Promoting sustainable mobility: Encourage the use of public transportation and bicycles to get to the event. Provides sustainable transportation options.

6.Sustainable food: Offer organic, local and seasonal food and beverage options. Avoid food waste and consider donating surplus to NGOs.

7.Responsible communication: Promote online communication and registration to reduce paper use.

8.Carbon Offsetting: Calculates and offsets carbon emissions generated by the event through certified offset projects.

9.Participation and education: Educates participants about the importance of sustainability and how they can contribute. Provides information on sustainable practices implemented at the event.

10.Collaborate with sustainable suppliers: Work with suppliers and partners who share your sustainability values and offer sustainable products and services, from decoration to catering to audiovisual services.

Success story of the city of Benidorm and environmental responsibility

sostenibilidad. eventos corporativos. Benidorm DMC

Benidorm has demonstrated a commitment to sustainability through its Smart Tourism Destination (ITD) initiative. The concept of ITD refers to the application of innovative technological solutions to improve sustainability, the quality of life of residents and the experience of tourists.

Ways in which Benidorm as an intelligent tourist destination promotes sustainability:

*Sustainable infrastructures: Benidorm has developed infrastructures and services that support the celebration of sustainable events, such as the use of efficient energy and water management systems in its facilities.
*Sustainable transportation: The city encourages the use of public transportation, as well as sustainable mobility alternatives such as bicycle rental, which facilitates access to events without generating polluting emissions.
*Intelligent resource management: Benidorm has implemented technological solutions to optimize resource management at events, such as efficient energy use and waste reduction.
*Promotion of responsible practices: Through its focus on sustainability, Benidorm encourages the adoption of responsible practices in the planning and execution of events, such as the use of recyclable materials, the reduction of food waste and the promotion of sustainable food options.

Benidorm’s approach to sustainable ITD has been recognized internationally. It has obtained certifications in promoting responsible and sustainable tourism. Benidorm is working to ensure a balance between tourism development and environmental protection. In this way, it seeks to offer a high quality experience for residents and visitors, while preserving its natural and cultural environment.

Let’s organize sustainable events together!

Now that you know the best sustainable practices for your events, I encourage you to become an agent of change and contribute to a more sustainable future. Adopting these practices not only benefits the environment, but also strengthens your company’s image and creates a more positive experience.

It’s time to take action and make a difference. Adopting good sustainable practices in your events is not only a smart decision, but also a crucial step to preserve our planet, join the movement towards sustainability and make your events an example to follow!

Sonia Arenas Accounts Manager de Benidorm DMC